Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jurnal : "Sell-Buy by Phone and Internet"

Abstract : Sell-buy is called by al-Ba'i (Arab) which means sell, replace and change something with another else.Today, a long – distance buying and selling  in business world as a logical consequence of the advancement of  science. communication and information, so that the sellers and buyers do  not pay attention to  ijab-kabul (Islam) verbally, but  it take  with  checks, draft (wesel) and so on, are allowed. That is  forbidden (Islam) in buying and selling is a transaction in which there is unlawful elements (haram) such as usury (riba),  gharar (fraud),  dharar (danger),  jahalah (vagueness),  zhuhn (harming the rights of others), and coercion, in addition to sell goods or services are `halal`. (Dr. Mardani)

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